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时间:2018-01-26 07:53 浏览:

中国农历十二月也叫阴历第十二个月,在腊八节农历第十二月初有着悠久的历史和传统,俗话说:多年来是腊八,LA 8天对中国人有着不同的意义。为了给该地区的居民表示节日的问候,1月23日下午,环科园花园社区学校举行了一场特殊的激情Laba,充满爱的主题公园。
这次活动主要分为两个部分。首先,腊八粥的制作。In order to preserve the traditional taste of the Laba porridge, the volunteers in the community began to prepare rich food in the early morning, and the materials were very particular.On the eve of activities, volunteers and community workers will jujube, longan, lotus seeds, beans, millet and other more than 10 kinds of materials, cleaning, soaking.On the day of the activity, the volunteers were busy, and after several hours of cooking, a pot of porridge was present in front of everyone.Then the volunteers were divided into groups, and the hot Laba porridge was served in the pre prepared lunch box, and the porridge was sent to the elderly, disabled children, disabled families, subsistence families and some old party members in the commun与社区工作人员的关系。
